About Side Hustle Connection

What is Side Hustle Connection
and who is John Panico?

If you don’t know me, my name is John Panico. I have been a full time consultant who has traveled the world during the last 20 years working with businesses both large (in some cases very large) and small (maybe where you are today?)

But since the time I was 16, I always had a side hustle. From the time I sold mag wheels and tires at the flea market, to when I just worked 2 days a week selling t-shirts (making about $75K @ year), to online marketing businesses, and many more, some would say I am a serial side hustler.

In most cases, I never hid it from my day job employer (but not blanket advocating that for everyone). Just keep in mind that when you are transparent, there may be times you have to be able to able to demonstrate you are adequately performing your day job (I will address that in a blog post)

I currently live in the oldest city in the US….beautiful St Augustine, FL. Depending on traffic, I am 1 -3 minutes from the beach. I love it here and walk the beach regularly. I live with my wife Julie and our cat Freeway. Julie is the spouse/partner you want in your life…someone who believes in you more than you do and supports all of my crazy efforts unconditionally.

We enjoy travel and music. We attend several shows a year and try to make a point to see some act that we have to make a trip to attend. Earlier this year, we did New Orleans. We have done Austin, Denver, and New York to name a few of those trips.

While I travel a lot (most weeks I am on the road), Julie travels for fun. So, she goes to some places that my side hustles afford, but my day job don’t allow me to go. It’s cool. She spends some time with her friends and I get the joy of knowing I got to provide that for her through my side hustles J

What’s behind the hustle?

What does Side Hustle Connection do differerent and how will I benefit?

Short version?

The place you go for kick ass tips, tools, guidance and support for anyone thinking about a side hustle!
Side Hustle Connection is about providing someone like yourself the tools and support to do one of the following:

Find a Side Hustle that works for you

  • We will do that by featuring folks who may spark something inside of you to pursue the perfect side hustle. Sometimes, they will be use cases, other times interviews. You can count on being exposed to a variety of types of side hustles (we will get to the different types of side hustles) by women and men of all ages. In other words, everyone can (and probably should) have a side hustle.
  • Guidance for getting your side hustle up and running.
  • Growing your side hustle to the next level…no matter if you are just starting or your side hustle has become your main gig.
  • Tools that Side Hustler’s use to optimize or make their business run smoother/better/more profitable.
  • A community that supports you unequivocally.

While that isn’t everything, it does provide a good foundation of what you can expect from the podcast and blog posts.

Is Side Hustle Connection different from the other side hustle sites?

I want to think so. While different sites all cover the category of Side Hustles, I think each has a unique perspective. Does that make this site any better or worse than the others? I don’t think so. Each provides value in their own way. Some of the sites are focused on side hustles that have become super successful. Other display other demographics or characteristics of side hustles.

How will I get the most out of my time with you?

Fair question. Initially, by acknowledging what it is you need. Are you just trying to create your side hustle? We can help. Are you trying to build/optimize what you have started? The Connection will provide you with tools and support to do so. Trying to grow your business to the next level. Let us work with you to do so. Along the way, learn what others have done and are doing to create amazing side hustles that transform both their family and their lives.

I want a side hustle. How do I know the right one for me?

You are not alone. Countless people have asked me which side hustle is best for them. The answer is…”It depends”. I know that isn’t the answer you want to hear. That is why I build a 12 step tutorial to help you identify and find the right side hustle for you.