Need advice about 

your hustle?

Do you have questions or concerns about your current or future side hustle?

We have all been there. Do any of these statements sound familiar?

I have an idea for a side hustle.

Is it viable?

How do I scale my side hustle?

Can you help me to find the right audience for my business?

I am concerned about balancing work, family and my side hustle. What advice would you recommend?

Need Advice on

Your Side Hustle?


Any of those may be just a few questions that you have. That’s ok. Really, that is one of the reasons I am here. I want to help you either get your side hustle started, provide you with the tools you need to be successful or help you to grow your side hustle to the next level.


You are talking to someone who has been consulting with businesses everyday for a living over the last 20 years.


And for those questions I may not know the answer to? I have the “go to” people (hopefully I will be one of yours) that we all need to be successful. In other words, I will find the answers to the questions I don’t know.


Some of these will be featured on the podcast, but all questions get answered!


Take a moment to complete the form below and someone from the Side Hustle Connection team will reach out to you.

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